December 27, 2017

Lessons From History

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Christmas is an incredible opportunity to remember to honor Truth, Love & Justice, exemplified in the life of Jesus, the ultimate Revolutionary, whose Light pierced the darkness of the Establishment (Romans) AND the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment (Sadducees & Pharisees) of His time. History teaches us that beyond the Obvious Establishment who profit from …

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December 24, 2017

Be The Light

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays to You and Your Family! As the New Year dawns upon us, I wish you all my best for a prosperous 2018. We are at a incredible time in history where now, more than ever, anything is possible. You and I together can create infinite opportunites for ourselves by recognizing that life is …

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December 11, 2017

Seth Rogen Silent as Racist Fan Threatens to Kill US Senate Candidate Shiva Ayyadurai

On Saturday, December 9, 2017, a Twitter exchange between slapstick comedian Seth Rogen and the inventor of email Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a world-renowned scientist-technologist and graduate of M.I.T., escalated to death threats against Dr. Ayyadurai, who is the leading U.S. Senate candidate running as an Independent challenging Senator Elizabeth Warren. In a series of racist texts, starting at 1.43PM EST, …

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December 9, 2017

EXPOSED! Fake News Media
Attacks On U.S. Senate Candidate
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D. (M.I.T.), The Inventor of Email

Shiva Ayyadurai case outright dismissed

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D. (M.I.T.), U.S. Senate Candidate Poses the Ultimate Threat to Both Wings of the Establishment The Establishment and the fake news media have launched a coordinated attack on U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Dr. Ayyadurai’s explosively growing campaign in Massachusetts, as an Independent, which calls citizens to rise up to “Declare Your Independence,” poses a major …

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December 4, 2017

DNA Dance Party

This weekend was my 54th birthday. It was also the 47th anniversary of when I left India to come to America. Literally, on December 2, 1970 on my 7th birthday, I boarded a TWA flight on my journey to America. I was deeply honored when Ben Garrison, the world renowned political cartoonist sent me this gift on my birthday. To …

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