June 27, 2018

It’s time to take back Harvard

Harvard University exemplifies everything that is wrong with the American educational system, and represents the epicenter of a self-serving centralized power structure. My opponent in the race for the U.S. Senate, Elizabeth Warren, is a creature of that structure. Elizabeth Warren got paid $350,000 per year for teaching just one course, in law, which doesn’t really require any skill or …

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June 26, 2018

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on Immigration Reform

For far too long in American history, career politicians, Democrats and Republicans — the Establishment has exploited immigration. Both parties have their Deep State Swamp-Economy, or what I call the “Swampconomy” has profited from illegal immigration. The Democrats have used illegal immigration to get illegal votes. The Republicans have used illegal immigration to artificially beef up corporate profits based on …

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May 25, 2018

Two Goddesses

My grandmother, who was a farmer and also a village healer, once told me a story. The Goddess Lakshmi, she said, is the goddess of Wealth. The Goddess Saraswathi is the goddess of Skills and Knowledge. Many people go and pray to the Goddess Lakshmi begging for wealth — sometimes she answers and sometimes she doesn’t. It all depends on …

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May 18, 2018

Campaign Signs Calling Sen. Warren ‘Fake Indian’ Permitted in Cambridge, Mass.

Officials in Cambridge, Massachusetts have backed off their order to remove campaign signs that called Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren a “fake Indian,” The Washington Times is reporting. Independent Senate candidate Shiva Ayyadurai had banners on his campaign bus depicting Warren in a feathered headdress with the words: “Only a real Indian can defeat Indian.” Ayyadurai was born in Bombay, India. …

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