October 3, 2018

Independent Shiva Ayyadurai challenges Elizabeth Warren

V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai doesn’t have much use for the two-party political system in Massachusetts. He’s running an energetic campaign as an independent for U.S. Senate to topple incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Warren, complete with a campaign bus bearing the slogan “Only a real Indian can beat a fake Indian.” Ayyadurai, 54, was born in Bombay, India, (now Mumbai) into the bottom …

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September 28, 2018

#LetShivaDebate Rally

There are three people on the ballot for U.S. Senate: myself, the Fake Indian and now, a MA GOP Fake Trumper. The Fake Indian, the MA GOP and the Fake News media have colluded to keep me off the debate stage. Does this seem right to YOU? They do not want YOU to have real freedom of choice. They do …

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September 18, 2018

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on Freedom to Debate

Freedom means you have choices. Competition and meritocracy are the foundation of the American system. In the US Senate race, three are on the ballot, but only two get to be on the debate stage? Elizabeth Warren has colluded with the University of Massachusetts to leave me off the debate stage. She would rather have a “toy boy” to be …

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September 17, 2018

Senate candidate seeks injunction against UMass over debate snub

Shiva Ayyadurai, an entrepreneur who launched a challenge for U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s seat as a Republican before switching his party affiliation to independent, is seeking a preliminary injunction against the University of Massachusetts hoping to stop scheduled debates from which he says he is being blocked. Ayyadurai filed a lawsuit last week against UMass, which is co-hosting a debate …

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September 15, 2018

Why are organizers excluding Ayyadurai from U.S. Senate debates?

Why wasn’t independent candidate Shiva Ayyadurai invited to participate in a series of three Massachusetts U.S. Senate debates with Democrat incumbent Elizabeth Warren and Republican Geoff Diehl? We just went through a 3rd Congressional District primary race with 10 Democrat candidates — some of whom never had a chance to win from the very beginning — but they were all …

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