The MASS GOP Establishment of Charlie Baker doesn’t want to win. They now have a lawyer to be their Designated Loser so their Democrat Friends STAY in power. Jeremy – A local Massachusetts engineer, a farmer, and an IT workershares why he will vote for Dr.SHIVA, an MIT PhD. I’m an MIT PhD – a scientist. I’m pro-life, I voted …
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Charlie Baker and his Democrat Friends, beholden to BIG PHARMA, JUST passed an order to FORCE VACCINATE our children, with the Flu Shot. ALL of it, based on a FAKE SCIENCE of ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL MEDICINE. Join us this Saturday, August 29 at 10:00 AM as we Rally on the BOSTON COMMON to STOP #ForcedVaccinations. RSVP on EventBrite. This Order was passed …
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I am pleased to invite all of you to our Truth Freedom Health Tour during August 29 and September 1 as we Rally for Innovation and #NoForcedVaccinations. What we need is the Right Medicine for the Right Person at the Right Time. Our Rally will begin on Saturday, August 29 at 10:00 AM, rain or shine, in the Boston Common.
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JOIN ME on the BOSTON COMMON to STOP Forced Vaccinations. Charlie Baker and his Democrat Friends, beholden to BIG PHARMA, JUST passed an order to FORCE VACCINATE OUR CHILDREN, WITH THE FLU SHOT. ALL of it based on a FAKE SCIENCE of ONE SIZE FITS ALL MEDICINE. As you know, I’m running for US Senate, AND I’m an MIT PhD …
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What makes America great IS the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment ensures that We The People, can protect ourselves against an abusive government. The video above shares my support of the Second Amendment and the lies created by Fake Science and the Fake News to blame guns as the source of gun rampages. The truth is, as scientific research shows, …
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