July 17, 2017

Only a Real Indian Can Defeat The Fake Indian

“I Know I Can Defeat Elizabeth Warren in 2018 Race.” That was the headline of the incredibly popular FOX Business News interview that I just did with Stuart Varney. Over 1000 other small and large media outlets picked up the interview. There, however, appears to be an organized effort, from within our own party, to dish up self-serving candidates who …

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July 12, 2017

Red Alert Politics Discusses Shiva Ayyadurai’s Challenge to Elizabeth Warren

Shiva Ayyadurai has done an A+ job trolling Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who he’s challenging in 2018. He even mailed her a DNA kit for her birthday to prove her Native American ancestry that she famously claimed while being a professor at Harvard University. Behind the tweets, where he declares that “only a real Indian can defeat the fake Indian,” …

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July 11, 2017

Three-Handed Diehl?

A few weeks ago, we shared with you significant concerns about the “resume” of Mr. Diehl and his accomplishments. Mr. Diehl has positioned himself as a “Trumpster.” The fact is Mr. Diehl is misleading Massachusetts voters and delegates. In our earlier communication, we shared the fact that Vincent DeVito was the only Trump MA Chair. There was no “Co-Chair” as …

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