January 17, 2018


One of the hallmarks of being an American is our freedom to choose. For far too long, we have been told that our only choice is “Lesser of Two Evils”. Massachusetts is not a Blue State or a Red State, it is an Independent State. Declare You Independence!

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January 11, 2018

Truth About the Economy

Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai discusses the truth about economy

Massachusetts is known for being #1 for innovation. This achievement is not because of career politicians, but because of the high-tech blue collar workers. Over 33,000 businesses were generated by graduates from M.I.T., my alma mater. M.I.T. is fundamentally a high-tech vocational technical school. It generates graduates who have skills – real skills, who innovate and create. Recently, I gave …

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January 11, 2018

Harvard Tamil Chair is biggest scam: Email founder Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

U.S. Senate Candidate, inventor of email and tech guru Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has exposed Harvard University’s attempt to pilfer trillions of dollars’ worth of indigenous artifacts through the sale of a “Harvard Tamil Chair” professorship. Harvard sought to collect $6 Million from the Tamil Diaspora worldwide, who had no idea of Harvard’s business model of selling professorships to fund its …

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January 8, 2018

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Stops Harvard’s Tamil Professorship Scam

harvard tamil scam

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Stops Harvard’s Selling of Tamil Professorship Co-Founder of “Harvard Tamil Chair” Agrees to Pull Plug on $6 Million and Concurs with Dr. Ayyadurai That It Was Mistake to Fund Harvard U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has stopped Harvard University’s attempt to pilfer trillions of dollars worth of indigenous artifacts through the sale of a “Harvard Tamil …

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December 30, 2017

Independent 2018

Happy New Year! I believe in a Government, Economy and Health that delivers the life you deserve and is built on this fundamental principle: For You, By You. Today, the life you live is governed by self-serving silos of centralized government, economy and health, which are designed for the Establishment, By the Establishment. But the life you deserve will emerge …

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