Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Recounts his Twitter Encounter with Seth Rogen

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Live on YourVoice America with Bill Mitchell

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai recounts his Twitter encounter with Seth Rogen, death-threats from one of Rogen’s supporters and the hypocrisy of Hollywood. Dr. Shiva had invited Seth Rogen to a debate following Rogen’s attack on Steve Bannon. Rogen ignored this invite and instead, instigated a personal attack on Dr. Ayyadurai. This led to one of Rogen’s supporters threatening Dr. Shiva, followed …

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Establishment Running Scared as Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai for Senate Grows Explosively

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on War Room with Owen Shroyer on Alex Jones' Infowars

The Establishment of Republicans and Democrats are running scared as Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s campaign for Senate grows explosively. Everyday people are loving Dr. Shiva’s campaign for Real Health, Real Jobs and a Real Future. The mainstream media is colluding with both parties to ignore Dr. Shiva’s campaign. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai was interviewed on War Room with Owen Shroyer. The interview …

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