September 18, 2017

Barbeque & Speech on the Cape

Hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that we are hosting a hot dog barbeque and potluck on the Cape at the VFW located in Brewster, MA on September 22, 2017 starting at 6:00 pm. I look forward to seeing you there. Originally, I was invited to give a talk, on the same day, at the Captain’s …

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September 13, 2017

My Talk at MIT

Hope you are well. I am pleased to let you know that last night, I was the invited speaker for the MIT Presidential Fellows Distinguised Lecture at MIT, where I spoke on “Innovation Anytime, Anyplace by Anybody.” I will be broadcasting the video of my speech today. So, keep an eye out on my YouTube Channel, Twitter and Facebook where …

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August 21, 2017

Boston Herald Reports on Shiva’s Speech at the Boston Free Speech Rally

Some participants in Saturday’s “Free Speech Rally” on Boston Common are rejecting the idea they are bigots affiliated with hate groups such as neo-Nazis or the KKK. “Charlie Baker and Marty Walsh tried to jump over each other on how anti-racists they were. There were no racists there. This is completely made up,” said Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian-American who spoke …

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August 20, 2017

Real Clear Politics Reports on Shiva Ayyadurai’s Call For Peace And Love At Boston Free Speech Rally

One of the speakers at Saturday’s controversial “free speech rally” in the historic Boston Commons park, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, is a candidate for the Republican Senate nomination to run against Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren in 2018. “To all FAKE NEWS, this was the “White Supremacist” FREE SPEECH RALLY I just spoke at,” Ayyadurai wrote on Twitter: “This was the “hate” …

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