April 17, 2018

Decentralize Power and Give it to Citizens – Opinion Piece by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

In response to President Trump’s effort to dilute the Dodd-Frank Act, my opponent in the U.S. Senate 2018 race, Elizabeth Warren, has responded with a knee-jerk reaction, one that reveals a fundamental difference between her and me. Elizabeth Warren believes she knows better. She believes that policies driven top down will prevail over decisions made by everyday people. I believe …

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April 16, 2018

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s Campaign Grows Explosively Despite Media “Brown Out”

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s U.S. Senate campaign ended March 2018 with a total of $4.6 million in campaign contributions. The first quarter of 2018 saw the campaign receiving over $2.5 million and it had over $105,000 cash on hand. The Shiva 4 Senate campaign is the only force that is poised to defeat Elizabeth Warren. These contributions, a formidable social media …

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April 3, 2018

Long Live the U.S. Postal Service

People like myself and you, who are not career-politicians, but work for a living can see real solutions to problems using our common sense and intuition that comes from actually doing the work. As an inventor and scientist, and the creator of the world’s first email system, as far back as 1997, I advised the senior leadership at the United …

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