November 22, 2019


A very important issue concerning your freedom to choose on what is right for you and your children’s health is before us: Vaccines. Career politicians have made this issue to be a pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine issue. It is not. The real issue is medicine now provides us with a range of interventions: food, drugs, surgery, exercise, vaccines, sleep, meditation, etc. …

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November 5, 2019

Shiva4Senate – Scientist, Inventor, Fighter!

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai shares how the Shiva 4 Senate campaign aims to empower the citizens of Massachusetts. [arve url=”″ mode=”normal” align=”center” thumbnail=”7218″ autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”1024″ parameters=”rel=0″ /] Donate

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October 31, 2019

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Explains Climate Change

In this video, Dr. Shiva shares the truth about Climate Change and why it was right to pull out of the Paris accords. [arve url=”” mode=”normal” align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”1024″ parameters=”rel=0″ /] Donate

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October 16, 2019

Royalists and Loyalists

I hope this email finds you well. You might think the British monarchy and its loyalists, who lost in 1776, packed their bags, got on a boat and left for England. Not true. They embedded themselves at places like Harvard, making Massachusetts their headquarters and have been running a systematic counter to what our forefathers fought for. These folks – …

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