April 24, 2018

Warren Challenger Sues to Keep ‘Fake Indian’ Signs Up

An independent Senate candidate in Massachusetts is suing to keep his sign calling Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren a “fake Indian” in place. Shiva Ayyadurai is suing the city of Cambridge after he was told to remove two signs with Warren wearing an Indian headdress, the Washington Times reported. The signs are placed on both sides of a school bus in …

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April 23, 2018

Sen. Warren’s India-Born Challenger Attacks Her Native Heritage

An India-born GOP Senate candidate hoping to unseat Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is reportedly fighting an order to take down his election sign declaring “only a real Indian can defeat a fake Indian.” Shiva Ayyadurai, who has focused his bid around Warren’s claim to Native-American ancestry, filed a federal lawsuit Sunday accusing Cambridge, Massachusetts — Warren’s home — of free-speech …

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April 23, 2018

Mass. Senate candidate fights city order to remove anti-Warren ‘fake Indian’ signs

A Massachusetts Senate candidate is fighting an effort by city officials in Cambridge, home of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, to take down prominent anti-Warren campaign signs calling the Democrat a “fake Indian.” Shiva Ayyadurai, an independent challenging Ms. Warren’s 2018 re-election bid, filed a federal lawsuit Sunday accusing the city of free-speech violations after he was told to remove two identical …

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April 23, 2018

U.S. Senate Candidate Sues After Cambridge Shuts Down Slogan

One of the candidates challenging Elizabeth Warren for her U.S. Senate seat has filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Cambridge accusing it of violating his First Amendment rights. His campaign was asked to move or get rid of the racially charged slogan “Only A Real Indian Can Defeat The Fake Indian” draped over his campaign bus, which was …

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April 23, 2018

Warren Opponent Takes ‘Fake Indian’ Bus Ad to Court

A political opponent of Sen. Elizabeth Warren brought a federal complaint Sunday in defense of his right to make the Democrat’s heritage the chief focus of his election campaign. Represented by the firm Cornell Dolan, biomedical engineer Shiva Ayyadurai says the city of Cambridge has threatened him with $300-a-day fines over the campaign bus he keeps parked in a lot …

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