February 8, 2019

Systems Thinking

Thinking “Left” and “Right” gets you nowhere. Such thinking helps those in power take any issue and reduce it to anti- and pro-. Pro-Gun or Anti-Gun, Pro-Single Payer or Anti-Single Payer, Pro-Immigration or Anti-Immigration, etc. You deserve Real Solutions to Real Problems. Engineers cannot afford to allow personal opinions or vague ideas without being substantiated by facts determine what kind …

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January 28, 2019

Made in America

I have two big news items for you this week. First, I have started a new podcast series called the SHIVA Be The Light podcast. The SHIVA Be The Light podcast will be an ongoing series. The first episode in the series is titled Born in India. Made in America. In this episode, I share my unique journey from India …

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January 2, 2019

How Shiva Thinks

I hope this email finds you and family well. I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Many of you have asked how I think, and how I take complex problems, understand them, decode them to then find real solutions. I want to share with you how I think, more specifically, a framework for thinking about complex systems. I …

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November 6, 2018

Vote Today

Thank you for your support. Let’s get out and VOTE today! Please note, at our Headquarters at 701 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA, we will be open from 9 AM to 12 Midnight today. Come on in and get a T-Shirt, Hat and Sign, and make our presence known at your local polling station. And, starting at 7 PM, at HQ, …

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November 4, 2018

Shiva 4 Senate Radio Ad Running Across MA!

This is our latest radio ad that we are running across MA. Enjoy! [arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxmFujGbkxs” mode=”normal” align=”center” thumbnail=”5153″ autoplay=”yes” maxwidth=”1024″ parameters=”rel=0″ /] THINK Independent. ACT Independent. You do not have to choose the “lesser of two evils” on November 6, 2018. Be the Light, Shiva

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