January 30, 2020

Immune Health & Freedom Act

Bill Proposed by Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD The 1962 Vaccination Assistance Act was based on an old science of the immune system. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was a “Band-Aid” solution to fix the problems of the 1962 Act. Many people had misgivings of the 1986 Act, which indemnified vaccine manufacturers from liability. Solutions to address the problems …

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January 29, 2020

The Past or the Future

JFK would be rolling in his grave if he saw what the Democratic Party, Ed Markey, Joe Kennedy have done in exploiting his name. The career politicians have delivered us a world of MORE Corruption, Decaying Infrastructure, Homelessness, Racism and Division, Increasing Taxes, Addiction and Crime. That is THEIR PAST. Our campaign for U.S. Senate provides you YOUR FUTURE. I’m …

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January 23, 2020


I am happy to present you the manifesto for my U.S. Senate campaign. In this, I share with you what & who is THE ENEMY of progress; what must be done to win YOUR FUTURE; and, why a victory for us in MA will be a victory for all of us, anywhere. Our ENEMY is corruption – driven by the …

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