March 6, 2020

Real Indian Takes Down Fake Indian

Victory sometimes is delayed. Our 2018 campaign for Shiva 4 Senate was relentless in exposing the Massachusetts Swamp which is the epicenter of the Deep State. We exposed the Fake Trumper Dirty Diehl who was the controlled opposition set up by Charlie Baker so Shiva 4 Senate would not annihilate Baker’s chum, Elizabeth Warren. More importantly, we exposed the Fake …

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March 3, 2020


The Massachusetts U.S. Senate election in 2020 comes down to this: one inventor-scientist-entrepreneur (me) versus three lawyers. Choose wisely. Your future, your life will depend on it. The latest scholarly research shows the disaster that lawyers in politics have caused the American people. In the video below, I share that research. The key takeaways are these: the more percentage of …

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