May 29, 2020

Regulation vs. Innovation.

Our campaign for Truth Freedom Health is going viral across Massachusetts, the country and the world. It’s about time everyone wakes up. The Lawyer-Lobbyist class neither innovates nor cares about YOU or your small business. They’ve never had to sweat bottom’s up, like you and I, to make our way in the world. That is the American Way. Like you, …

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May 19, 2020


As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, and U.S. Senate Candidate from Massachusetts, I led a local and national campaign to expose the fake science of Dr. Anthony Fauci. The campaign goal was to get 100,000 petition signatures exposing Fauci’s misguided focus on Vaccination vs boosting Immune Health. The Shiva 4 Senate campaign led the collection …

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