I hope this email finds you and family well. I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Many of you have asked how I think, and how I take complex problems, understand them, decode them to then find real solutions.

I want to share with you how I think, more specifically, a framework for thinking about complex systems. I was fortunate to have had an upbringing of incredible parents, mentors and teachers at an early age, along with life experiences and an education that included 4 degrees from MIT that provided me that framework.

I want to now offer you that framework, which will allow you to discover truth, freedom and health for yourself. It has taken me nearly 40 years to discover this method and to organize it into a 4-hour workshop. How we think determines what we do, what choices we make, and what we get in life.

The Power of Systems Thinking Workshop is my sincere gift to you for all the incredible support you provided me over the past two years. The invitation below allows you and your loved one or friend for admission.

How Shiva Thinks

Be the Light,

P.S.: Click the invitation to RSVP to let us know if you will be coming in person or join the live online stream. The online stream is private.