On September 1, Dark Matter rose across Massachusetts to defeat Ed Markey. In response to our imminent landslide victory, Charlie Baker and his Democrat friends unleashed election fraud so their Designated Loser – a complete doofus – could steal the Primary Election from the working people of Massachusetts to ensure the Democrats stay in power.
The State of Massachusetts, by their own admission, destroyed over 1 million ballots in the U.S. Senate Primary Election, violating U.S. Federal Law, and making the election null and void. Working people of Massachusetts – the Dark Matter – are now erupting to WRITE IN “Dr.SHIVA” for U.S. SENATE by or on November 3 to #StopElectionFraud.

Dark Matter does not refer to the color of someone’s skin. It is the working people of Massachusetts who are being squeezed, left in the dark, and abused by the Establishment of Republican and Democrat.
A vote for Baker’s Designated Loser is a vote for Markey. Baker’s aim is to steal votes from the Real American to a Fake Republican. He knows only a Darkie can defeat Markey.
Warmest regards,
Scientist. Inventor. Educator. Fighter.