The MASS GOP Establishment of Charlie Baker doesn’t want to win. They now have a lawyer to be their Designated Loser so their Democrat Friends STAY in power.
Jeremy – A local Massachusetts engineer, a farmer, and an IT worker
shares why he will vote for Dr.SHIVA, an MIT PhD.
I’m an MIT PhD – a scientist. I’m pro-life, I voted for President Trump, donated to his campaign, and I’ve always supported the police. I’m an inventor-entrepreneur, earned 4 degrees from MIT, ran 7 successful companies, created 1000s of jobs, right here in MA.
I’m the only one who can defeat Ed Markey and Joe Kennedy – two MORE Lawyers.
I offer you the opportunity to WIN.
But, it’s YOUR choice: an MIT PhD with a proven history of solving problems or a Lawyer, who cannot win.
I will WIN for you!
Pledge to Vote for me by clicking the image below or simply text “YES” to my phone 617-209-6364 or click on the button below.

Until victory,
Scientist. Inventor. Educator. Fighter.
P.S. I am traveling on the bus all over Massachusetts. Please check the Shiva 4 Senate events page here. Come meet me, get lawn signs and bumper stickers.
P.P.S. We have set up local Shiva 4 Senate digital communities that you can join and meet your neighbors in your local town/city. This page has a directory, find your town/city and join the WhatsApp group. It’s easy!