Ontological thesauri such as the NISO standards provide a mechanism to describe objects across languages. Such mechanisms within an application framework can be used to provide transliteration across multiple languages. A new cross-language translator is proposed.
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Hydrophones provide a mechanism for listening to underwater sound. Complex wave phenomena e.g. turbulence, shear stress, etc. require mathematical approaches to be developed to enhance accurate listening. New models were computationally developed and tested.
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Complex wave phenomena in composite materials has been predicted since the 1800’s. A new computational approach is developed and validated from historical results. The model serves as a platform to test characterization and visualization of existing and new phenomena.
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Integrated platform to track particle motion flow of liposome beads in a fluidized bed reactor is developed to automatically calculate various dynamic parameters e.g. velocity, accelleration, etc. with minimal human intervention.
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The layout of cereal boxes, brochures and other marketing materials appears to follow a “creative” process not well understood. A frame-based approach is designed and developed that automatically creates layouts based on creative parameters.
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