Launched by Shiva in Newark, New Jersey, the Innovation Corps non-profit project aims to inspire young high-school innovators in inner cities and villages across the world.
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In 2007, Shiva was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to travel to India to study the intersection of Eastern and Western Medicine.
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Shiva’s team at EchoMail sought to help both presidential candidates, Bush and Gore, to use intelligent email to enable grassroots campaigning. Only the Bush team used EchoMail. The results of the 2000 election were close, and technology like EchoMail clearly made a difference.
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Shiva led and organized protests to link the struggle of local 26 unions of food service workers with the struggle of workers fighting apartheid 10,000 miles away in South Africa.
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Shiva arrived at MIT in September of 1981. On the front page of MIT’s official newspaper TechTalk, his invention of email was highlighted as an important achievement among 1,040 students.
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