Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai MIT PhD discusses why it’s BEYOND CRIMINAL the Medical Establishment is NOT “mandating” VITAMIN D – a PROVEN SOLUTION for acute respiratory infections.
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MIT PhD Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Delivers Letter to President Trump to Get Americans Back to Work & to Boost Immune Health for All.
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Dr.SHIVA explains why it is time to talk about Immune Health as the world grapples with Corona Virus.
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Dr.SHIVA speaks about the Immune System and why it is important to maintain good immune health.
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There are forces which divide people along the lines of “Left” and “Right”, “Vaxx” and “Anti-Vax.” Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai takes a deep look at who is benefiting from this and how this process works. Dr. Shiva attempts to find a Real Solution to the Real Problem through this discourse on Vaccines and, in the process, he also discusses and shares with you a precision & personalized medicine framework for advancing discourse & conversation.
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