Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is at the steps of the NJ State House in Trenton, NJ. Dr. Shiva explains why the science of vaccines is not settled. Dr. Shiva also speaks about his journey from arriving in the U.S. as an immigrant from India to being a fighter for Truth, Freedom, and Health.
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The Paris Accords have nothing to do with helping the environment getting cleaner. The Paris Accords were about enabling Al Gore and his cronies to make trillions of dollars, while making others “feel good” that they were doing something to help the environment. In this video, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an MIT-trained engineer and scientist explains the real racket of the Paris Accords. You will learn why President did the right thing in pulling out of the Paris Accords.
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In this video, Dr.SHIVA discusses what is wrong with the fear perpetrated by Anthony Fauci.
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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai discusses “Gun Violence.” A lot of attention has been brought to this issue by media. The reality is hat out of about 40,000 cases of gun violence reported in the US, 60% are suicides and about 38% or 39% are murders and gang violence. It is interesting that the media does not focus on this fact. What the media does report and focuses on becomes the basis of public policy. This is what those in power want because they don’t want is to unite to find the Real problem to which we need to find the Real solution.
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We today in MA have ONE PARTY – it’s a party of anti-Trump, it’s a party of racism, it’s a party of Charlie Baker (a “Republican”) & Elizabeth Warren, the FakeIndian. They are the party of the Aristocracy, not the working people. They are parasites – the real infection.
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