August 27, 2020

MIT PhD vs Lawyers

The MASS GOP Establishment of Charlie Baker doesn’t want to win. They now have a lawyer to be their Designated Loser so their Democrat Friends STAY in power. Jeremy – A local Massachusetts engineer, a farmer, and an IT workershares why he will vote for Dr.SHIVA, an MIT PhD. I’m an MIT PhD – a scientist. I’m pro-life, I voted …

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August 26, 2020

Boston Common Sat 10 AM – #NoForcedVaccinations

Charlie Baker and his Democrat Friends, beholden to BIG PHARMA, JUST passed an order to FORCE VACCINATE our children, with the Flu Shot. ALL of it, based on a FAKE SCIENCE of ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL MEDICINE. Join us this Saturday, August 29 at 10:00 AM as we Rally on the BOSTON COMMON to STOP #ForcedVaccinations. RSVP on EventBrite. This Order was passed …

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